Lougheed Area Snow Camp
December 15 – 17, 2023
Cost: TBA
Where: Manning Park
How: Transportation TBA
Details: TBA
When: December 15, 2023 – to December 17, 2023
Outdoor winter camp with activities including snow sculpture and site decorating contest, snowshoeing, igloo building, outdoor games, tobogganing and campfire. We will cook on outdoor stoves and sleep in tents as part of camping.
Camp fee includes transportation for participants and gear to and from Manning Park, use of snowshoes and igloo-building equipment, and a campfire on Saturday night.
This camp is for Girls and Guiders who have completed the Snow Camp training. Please register your girls via email [email protected].
We will follow up when we know how many Girls and Guiders attend. Our preference is that each PATROL has at least one Guider.
What to expect:
- Snowshoeing
- Digging In Heavy Snow To Set Up Campsite
- Sleeping In Tents
- Campfire & Outdoor Cooking