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June 5, 2019

Rebecca Helps
Pathfinder Guider
14+ years in Guiding and came back in 2018 as a Guider in Coquitlam

“I’m liking the way I’m approaching it as a Guider right now. One of the reasons I wasn’t a Guider for a number of years was because of health issues, and I finally feel like I’m back in a place where my health is well enough where I can take it on. I also have a lot of other stuff going on in my life, and I was worried about being overwhelmed and overcommitted with Guiding―either failing because I wasn’t able to do everything I needed to do or just feeling like I wasn’t contributing. But what I’ve decided is to give what I can give and not stress out about what I can’t give. I still need to have my life, and I…


June 5, 2019

Why I Guide? Friendship.


June 5, 2019

Why I Guide? Adventures!


June 4, 2019

2nd Alouette Pathfinders, Adventures In Europe


June 3, 2019

Why I Guide? Having Fun.